Freedom News

Tomorrow: evening antifascist rally in London

Tomorrow: evening antifascist rally in London

The openly racist and divisive rhetoric of Boris Johnson has emboldened the far right. All across the world the rise of authoritarian neo-liberal governments, ultra-nationalism and openly fascist movements are being resisted by mass anti-fascist action on the streets – from Rojava to Catalunya, Kashmir, Greece and Chile – anti-fascism is international. Last month saw

3… 2… 1… Antifa are go

3… 2… 1… Antifa are go

The London Anti-Fascist Assembly (LAFA) launched this year as a pan-city grassroots anti-fascist coalition made up of groups from across the left. Below, a member of far-right monitoring podcast 12 Rules For WHAT (@12rulesforwhat) considers the challenges ahead. In February more than 150 anti-fascists packed into a social centre in Dalston to discuss and plan

London: TERFs crash Mayday march

London: TERFs crash Mayday march

Today in London, a group of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) attempted to join the Mayday march with a transphobic banner. After being challenged by the London Anti-Fascist Assembly (LAFA) and other members of the parade together with two members from Edinburgh Antifa,  the TERFs then called the march stewards who also agreed that their