Freedom News

Syndicalist unions and Covid-era resistance: A CIT roundup

The anarcho-syndicalist international, founded in 2018, looks at workplace struggle in its branches worldwide and calls for the building of new forms of solidarity amid the lockdowns. With the corona crisis, the world has suddenly entered a new phase of intense class struggle. This is impressively documented by a map of (for the most part) wildcat strikes

Interview: Ruth Kinna

Freedom spoke to Ruth Kinna, author of numerous books on anarchism about the origins and key concepts of anarchism. What do you find most attractive about anarchism? I like the starting point. Anarchists usually start with a critique of injustice and an assumption of social imperfection. I would say that the anarchist project is to

Notes from the US: COVID-19 edition

‘Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action’ (Goethe) Readers of Freedom News will be familiar with (and probably sick of hearing) accounts of the Trump administration’s misconduct during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. They were expected; they were worse than predicted. So this month’s ‘Notes from the US’ contains some of the salient moments,

Disturbing alliances: The Christian right’s long march

It has been more than two decades since Allan Carlson, a former member of the National Commission on Children during the Reagan administration, first met Russian scholars Anatoly Antonov and Victor Medkov. His visit in 1995 inspired the foundation of the World Congress of Families (WCF), a transnational network of far-right and religious fundamentalist groups

Is genocide denial anti-imperialist now? How tankies are taking over leftbook and the London student scene

Picture a British second-year Sociology student holding a Socialist Worker’s Party placard and shouting “hands-off DPRK” outside your student halls (that image in your head, he’s male and wearing cargo shorts, right? He’s going to ask you out for a chai latte, take you to Bookmarks, explain the women’s lib. section to you, and then

Bulgaria: Jock Palfreeman denied parole

Last week in Sofia, Bulgaria, 32-year-old anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman was denied parole on his 20-year prison sentence for murder. Jock was convicted in 2009 of the stabbing murder of Andrei Monov and the attempted murder of Anton Zahariev. The death occurred after Jock went to the aid of two Roma boys who were being attacked

Gender Ideology? Up Yours!

CW: Transphobia I’ve been feeling recently a bit like the popular online discourse around transphobia and trans liberation is living in another world and to the extent that social media is very much still a media world that’s the truth. This was prodded most abruptly by seeing Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (I’ll call them TERFs

Serbia: Anarchists keep pressure up against damaging ‘micro-dams’

New protests took place this week pushing the government on its promises to halt a boom in environmentally-damaging projects across the region. The region’s extensive network of waterways have been eyed for years as having hydroelectric potential, which originally led to plans for nearly 3,000 plants, around a third in environmentally-protected areas. Critics have warned