Freedom News

London Anarchist Black Cross launches online prisoner letter writing service

London Anarchist Black Cross launches online prisoner letter writing service

London Anarchist Black Cross has launched a virtual prisoner letter writing service. On their website, London ABC writes: “To write a letter just send an email with the content to london_abc(at) with the number of the solidarity card of your choice (between 1,2,3 above). Include the name of the prisoner you would like send the

This Black December

This Black December

Banners are dropped across the first and fourth wings of the Korydallos Prison in Greece. Weeks earlier, prisoners, including hunger-striker Nikos Romanos, called for a “detonator for the restart of anarchist insurgency, inside and outside the prisons” in the stirring insurrectionist communique ‘For a Black December’. The banners ring true: “Insurrection is always timely”, as