Freedom News

This Is Not A Drill: activists target fossil fuels research facilities in Cambridge

This Is Not A Drill: activists target fossil fuels research facilities in Cambridge

Activists operating under the banner of “This Is Not A Drill” have begun a direct action campaign against Cambridge-based research facilities with lucrative connections to the fossil fuel industry. The group’s first actions were reported on July 15, when windows were smashed at a research organisation named the “Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme (CASP)”. Holding charitable

XR and Just Stop Oil Coalition continue their actions against the fossil fuel industry

XR and Just Stop Oil Coalition continue their actions against the fossil fuel industry

It has been a few busy days in climate emergency activism. On Friday 1st April, Extinction Rebellion and groups associated in the Just Stop Oil Coalition have blocked several major oil facilities across the UK, stating they will “continue to block the sites until the UK Government agrees to end all new fossil fuel investments

Review: Deep Adaptation – Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos

Review: Deep Adaptation – Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos

Trigger warnings for eschatology, despair, grief, climate chaos, near-term societal collapse.

If you, bold snowflake, can make it through that opening sentence without melting into a malaise and retreating to the safe space let me attempt to relay devastation in a digestible format. Me a mere cuck, gibbering from the bedside as reality brain fucks your raw out.

Between Brock and a Hard Place: Campers stage intervention to save badger setts from destruction in Brighton stand-off

Between Brock and a Hard Place: Campers stage intervention to save badger setts from destruction in Brighton stand-off

A month ago, just after New Year, a group of youth climate activists took land on Coldean Lane in Brighton. They put up a treehouse in opposition to developers plans to fell healthy trees and destroy active badger setts. Calling the camp ARC (Active Resistance Coldean) and maintaining a presence round the clock it looked

Subterranean Highspeed Blues: Anti HS2 campaigners hold out underground in Wendover – show your support

Subterranean Highspeed Blues: Anti HS2 campaigners hold out underground in Wendover – show your support

The eviction of the Wendover Active Resistance camp has now entered its third week. All aboveground defences were obliterated in the first week, but a team of hardy tunnellers still hangs on, and in fact they’re aiming to be there until Christmas at least. One Freedom reporter visited the site recently and said “It looked

It ain’t over ’til it’s Wendover: Eviction begins on anti HS2 fortress in Buckinghamshire

It ain’t over ’til it’s Wendover: Eviction begins on anti HS2 fortress in Buckinghamshire

Wendover Active Resistance camp, part of the ongoing direct action campaign against white elephant and eco-atrocity HS2, was surrounded by around a hundred bailiffs, HS2 security and specialist eviction teams in the early hours of Sunday morning (10th October). The defenders are well dug in but would really appreciate ground support outside the perimeter. The

The Zad of the Link: call to join ZAD du LIEN

The Zad of the Link: call to join ZAD du LIEN

The ‘L.I.E.N’ [“la liaison intercantonale d’évitement du nord” – The Northern Bypass or LINK in English] is the latest section of motorway scheduled for construction around Montpellier, France. For 30 years, residents and activists have fought against this project which would see a river of concrete plough through some of the last green spaces around