Freedom News

Russia: two activists sentenced for protest against the new law erasing trans people

Russia: two activists sentenced for protest against the new law erasing trans people

Two Russian activists, Polina Simonenko and Mila Zemtsova were sentenced by the Tverskoy District Court in Moscow yesterday for attending a picket protesting a new draft law erasing the, already limited, rights of trans people in Russia. Simonenko was sentenced to 14 days arrest, while Zemtsova was ordered to pay a fine of 20,000 Russian

Introducing: Bi Pandas

Introducing: Bi Pandas

A member of the bisexual activist group writes on how they set up and why it’s important for bi people to build their own voice in an increasingly corporate and hostile climate. London Bi Pandas are a collective of bi+ activists, supporters and allies. As a community group we are trying to create spaces for

Disturbing alliances: The Christian right’s long march

Disturbing alliances: The Christian right’s long march

It has been more than two decades since Allan Carlson, a former member of the National Commission on Children during the Reagan administration, first met Russian scholars Anatoly Antonov and Victor Medkov. His visit in 1995 inspired the foundation of the World Congress of Families (WCF), a transnational network of far-right and religious fundamentalist groups

Some thoughts on Bristol University disciplinary action against trans student

Some thoughts on Bristol University disciplinary action against trans student

CW: Transphobia The Univeristy of Bristol continue their prolonged harassment of trans student Nic Aaron, deciding to postpone – yet again – disciplinary proceedings that have already stretched on for over a year. Around 50 trans activists and allies rallied outside the University of Bristol last Wednesday to support Nic at what was their third

Canada: police and military to be banned from future events after protesters block Edmonton Pride Festival

Canada: police and military to be banned from future events after protesters block Edmonton Pride Festival

Last Saturday Edmonton’s annual Pride Festival march was successfully blocked by protesters unhappy that  the police and military are allowed to join. The blockade, organized by a coalition of queer and trans people of colour and allies, lasted for more than half and hour after around 30 protesters formed a human chain at a road junction