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Review: Guide to Every City

Review: Guide to Every City

Writer: Efe Levent Artist: Alaa Alhassoun Guide to Every CityMangal MediaISBN: 6057034821 Guide to Every City is a thorough picture of the perennial Every City from the perspective of a fictional Every Travel Writer. On paper the concept works, I’m sat here reading this in Hackney with the solemn sense that I could be sat in any

Is genocide denial anti-imperialist now? How tankies are taking over leftbook and the London student scene

Is genocide denial anti-imperialist now? How tankies are taking over leftbook and the London student scene

Picture a British second-year Sociology student holding a Socialist Worker’s Party placard and shouting “hands-off DPRK” outside your student halls (that image in your head, he’s male and wearing cargo shorts, right? He’s going to ask you out for a chai latte, take you to Bookmarks, explain the women’s lib. section to you, and then

Morrissey isn’t senile, he’s always been a racist

Morrissey isn’t senile, he’s always been a racist

CW: racism “Bengali in Platforms”, “England for the English”, “Asian Rut”, and “This is Not Your Country” are quotes you’d expect from the mouth of Boris Johnson; but they are song titles by the king of alternative playlists, the heart of British indie, or the “second-greatest living British cultural icon” (according to the BBC in

On the possibility of a Rainbow

On the possibility of a Rainbow

 ‘The Rainbow in Jordan is a microcosm of our issues in the region.’Lioness was speaking to me in a shisha café-restaurant in the upscale Amman neighbourhood of Jebel Lwebdeh. She was telling me the story of the Rainbow Gathering of Spring 2016, the first gathering of such nature to take place in Jordan. ‘Rainbows Gatherings’,