Freedom News

Polish Embassy in London support of far right groups

CONTENT WARNING: racism The Polish Embassy in London, using funds from Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sponsored at least one event organised by Polish nationalists in the UK. The group receiving cash from Polish state is “Independent Poland”: and extreme right-wing organisation, which, until very recently, declared on their Facebook page that its main aim

Football and Activism in Jerusalem

This text was contributed by a fan of Hapoel Katamon: Israel’s first fan owned football club located in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Jerusalem. The club is known for their supporters’ activism and community projects. Where I grew up in Jerusalem I was faced with very little choices, either you are a fan of

Calais border update

Chiara Lauvergnac reports on the recent events on the Calais border. Mawda, two years old, shot dead by border police in Belgium Mawda Shawri was killed by a bullet that hit her in the face, probably aimed at the driver of a van carrying 30 migrants (mostrly Iraqi Kurds) that had been chased by four

The unique solidarity of Velika Kladuša in Bosnia

Locals together with international volunteers are warmly welcoming people at the Bosnian-Croatian border and are trying their best to support them and show solidarity. Velika Kladuša is a small town known in Bosnia as the rebel city, but also an area where, throughout history, many people have left for other countries, looking for jobs or

The shambles of Moria 35 Trial

On 18th July 2017, 35 refugees in Moria camp on Lesvos were arrested. The arrests followed a two day protest involving a sit- in outside of the European Asylum Support Office inside the camp and a demonstration. The protesters were holding banners denouncing dehumanizing conditions in the camp, and calling for freedom of movement for

On Windrush generation and other immigrants: No Borders perspective

Public outrage and solidarity to the Windrush generation forced Amber Rudd and Theresa May to apologize. Yet these people’s fate is still unknown. The Movement for Justice have just made public that a woman detained in Yarls Wood will be deported. “Yvonne Williams- write the MFJ- has been given removal directions on Friday. The paper

Friends of Haukur Hilmarsson call for help bringing him home

Iceland has been shocked to hear of the death of Hilmarsson, a well-known anarchist activist caught in a Turkish airstrike just outside the Kurdish enclave of Afrin — now his friends are calling for help confirming his death/finding his body and say they may travel to Syria to get him. Hilmarsson’s family have repeatedly expressed their