Freedom News

Austria: thousands protest against government’s anti-migrant policy

Thousands of people took to the streets of Vienna last Saturday to protest the country’s ruling coalition of conservatives and far- right. The protest was held a year since Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s People’s Party (OeVP) and the far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) formed government in December 2017. Amid snowfall and sub-zero temperatures, the organisers estimate

Notes from the US: From hate speech to violence

Louis Further looks over the racist rhetoric and damaging actions which have been carried out in the land of the free over recent weeks. Shortly after last month’s Midterm elections in a state with a history of racial killings, Mississippi, candidate Cindy Hyde-Smith made an astonishing comment when praising a supporter: “If he invited me

Notes from the USA

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Racism Throughout October dispossessed families from Central America approached the US border in a so-called ‘caravan’. Predictably – instead of recognising that US (foreign) policies cause poverty and oppression – right-leaning

Fortress Europe: illegal push-backs and border violence report

This harrowing report presents testimonies of refugee people attempting to reach the safety of Europe from Bosnia into Croatia and Slovenia. It details the brutal methods the police in the region is using in order to prevent people from moving towards the EU, or claiming asylum. All testimonies are gathered from oral interviews via a

Notes from the USA

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Education One of the hallmarks of the Trump administration is a petulant mania to please his supporters – especially when doing so benefits the rich and powerful – by reversing as

Removal of guilt

Anthony Weaver looks over L G Lennhoff’s book Exceptional Children. Weaver lectured in education at Whitelands, one of the teacher training colleges under London University. He was head teacher at a school for maladjusted children and then warden of a residential clinic which was eventually closed down as a result of Home Office disapproval. This work