The admins suspect the account was deleted as a result of a flooding of reports by fascists —It has been over a week since the Telegram application has deleted the public channel @nobordercalais (“No Border infos – Calais & more”) without any warning. The admins only realised at the end of August that the channel
Tag: Calais
Choose Truth: former Choose Love employees speak out
In December 2021, Choose Love cut funding to charities offering vital support to refugees and migrants in Calais and Dunkirk. Despite high-profile celebrity endorsements and an incredible capacity to raise millions for refugees, behind the scenes, all was not as it seemed at Choose Love. A Corporate Watch investigation revealed Choose Love’s relationship with an
Brexit and the Borders of Humanity
Joe Reynolds writes on the phenomenon of the Calais migrant situation as he saw it in 2016, at the height of the media panic, amid Brexit manoeuvrings and a violent French crackdown. The borders of the United Kingdom are militarised with both the language of fear and the chemical burn of tear gas. From the
News from the borders: Calais and Dunkirk
Since the highly publicised “clearance” of encampment The Jungle in Calais three years ago migrant struggles in the area have been largely ignored other than a minor panic over refugee dinghies in the Channel – but that doesn’t mean the situation is resolved, writes Chiara Lauvergnac. The Calais Jungle is not “finished”. There are still
Calais border and a few small boats
An increasing number of migrants are crossing the Channel by boat, with over 220 intercepted from November to the end of December, at sea or just after reaching the UK coasts. This is a result of increased controls at the Calais border, and the construction of huge border fence paid for by the UK. Most
Calais border update
Chiara Lauvergnac reports on the recent events on the Calais border. Mawda, two years old, shot dead by border police in Belgium Mawda Shawri was killed by a bullet that hit her in the face, probably aimed at the driver of a van carrying 30 migrants (mostrly Iraqi Kurds) that had been chased by four
Calais border, news after the May-Macron summit
This text was contributed to Freedom News by a long-standing No Borders activist. She has been working in Calais for over 8 years. She first got involved with the No Borders camp in Calais in 2009. Thursday 25th January was a dark day for Calais. A 16 years old Eritrean teenager was very seriously injured:
Holding Space: Eviction Resistance at the squatted Hope and Anchor
Squatters in Mornington Crescent successfully resisted a second eviction attempt on Wednesday. In another show of strength and solidarity by London squatters, thirty to forty people turned out against the bailiffs. Banners were dropped opposing the Housing Bill and evictions ‘from London to Calais’ after the recent squat eviction in the French city. Security contractors
From Dover to Calais to Brussels, the border regime is in violent panic
The recent anti-migrant demonstration by the National Front and other assorted fascist backwash is among a rising tide of violence against migrants. People asserting their freedom to move across borders are met with a mix of state and fascist aggression. Around fortress Europe, borders are institutions of crisis and conflict. As the force of migration
December 14th: Call for Solidarity from Calais
From Calais Migrant Solidarity ‘They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds’ In recent months, from Ventimiglia to Calais, state violence has increased against those who travel without papers. We see this in the re-introduction of border controls in various states in the Schengen zone that (among other things) resulted in new