Freedom News

Glasgow: Mears Group Evades Responsibility as Asylum-Seekers in Hotels Refuse Food and Call for Protest Action

Glasgow: Mears Group Evades Responsibility as Asylum-Seekers in Hotels Refuse Food and Call for Protest Action

Over twenty asylum-seeking individuals forcibly moved by the Mears group into cramped hotel accommodation in Glasgow have been refusing to eat the mouldy, undercooked and culturally inappropriate food that Mears provides and are calling for action to protest the Mears group’s abysmal, dehumanising treatment of people they receive public money to provide safe accommodation for.

News from the borders: Calais and Dunkirk

News from the borders: Calais and Dunkirk

Since the highly publicised “clearance” of encampment The Jungle in Calais three years ago migrant struggles in the area have been largely ignored other than a minor panic over refugee dinghies in the Channel – but that doesn’t mean the situation is resolved, writes Chiara Lauvergnac. The Calais Jungle is not “finished”. There are still

Refugee struggle: secret document could prove Turkey is not a safe third country

Refugee struggle: secret document could prove Turkey is not a safe third country

Germany’s largest pro immigration advocacy organization PRO ASYL, together with Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) have urged the European Asylum Support Office  (EASO) to release a potentially crucial report on the Turkish asylum system. The document, dated 15th June 2016,  is believed to include information that would show that Turkey is not a safe third country

Italy: Riace major cleared of ‘aiding and abetting illegal immigration’

Italy: Riace major cleared of ‘aiding and abetting illegal immigration’

The court of Reggio Calabria ruled that the mayor of Riace in Calabria region in Italy Domenico Mimmo Lucano is not guilty of scams, robberies, and ‘marriages of convenience’ for immigration purposes. The investigation against Lucano was launched in October last year, when Guardia di Finanzia- the police under Italian Ministry of Finance-removed him from