Freedom’s refugee support correspondent Chiara Lauvergnac reports from Bosnia and Balkans. A growing number of refugees and other migrants are using the new Balkan route through Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia to reach the EU. Many passed recently to Bosnia from Serbia. An estimate 4000 to 5000 migrant people are now in Bosnia, most of whom
Tag: Chiara Lauvergnac
Calais border update
Chiara Lauvergnac reports on the recent events on the Calais border. Mawda, two years old, shot dead by border police in Belgium Mawda Shawri was killed by a bullet that hit her in the face, probably aimed at the driver of a van carrying 30 migrants (mostrly Iraqi Kurds) that had been chased by four
On Windrush generation and other immigrants: No Borders perspective
Public outrage and solidarity to the Windrush generation forced Amber Rudd and Theresa May to apologize. Yet these people’s fate is still unknown. The Movement for Justice have just made public that a woman detained in Yarls Wood will be deported. “Yvonne Williams- write the MFJ- has been given removal directions on Friday. The paper