Freedom News

Ten Top Radical Grassroots Football Clubs

Most football clubs start as grassroots clubs. Man City and Celtic were founded by churches. Man Utd and Arsenal were works team. Across the UK, and the World, almost all football clubs are grassroots clubs, run for the love of football, scraping money together, knowing they and or their players will never hit the big

Book Review: The Cambridge Squatter – architecture, cinema and education

Accompaniment to Eliane Caffé’s original film, which blended documentary and fictive elements to tell the story of life at the Cambridge Hotel in São Paulo, Brazil. by Carla Caffé Sold as E-Book [Kobo][Amazon] PP: 242 Publisher: Edições Sesc SP 2017 Based on the film Era o Hotel Cambridge (Hotel Cambridge/The Cambridge Squatter) directed by Carla Caffé

A Oes Heddwch? Welsh peace activism historic and modern

Ahead of Cardiff Stop The Arms Fair protests due tomorrow, Jane Harries writes about some of the peace movement’s historic associations in Wales, and about modern-day movements. At the National Eisteddfod main literature awards, two Druids partly unsheathe a sword above the winning author’s head and ask the audience: ‘A oes Heddwch?’ (‘Is there peace?’) ‘Heddwch!’ (‘Peace!’)

EU-Turkey deal: an error in the system

Two years ago, the EU-Turkey deal on refugees came to force. Since then, every person arriving ‘irregularly’ on Greek islands should be returned to Turkey. That would include asylum seekers as well as “economical migrants”.  In exchange, Turkey would receive €6 billion to assist the refugee community hosted in the country, Turkish nationals would be

White supremacist Martin Sellner arrested at UK border

White Supremacist Martin Sellner of Generation Identity has been arrested at the UK border and will be deported tomorrow. Generation Identity has been described by antifascist campaigners as “racist and extreme”. The organisation, funded in France, gained prominence in Germany, Austria and Italy. It is often described as Europe’s version of alt-right. Its main mission

Tresspass Journal Issue 2

Our friends from Trespass Journal sent in their recent issue.  It is in depth, multilingual publication about issues of squatting all over the World. In my humble opinion, it is more than worth a read, especially the text about Hong Kong. Here is the text Trespass collective sent to us. The link to the full

Bulgaria: Antifa stands up to fascist march

Bulgarian Antifa held a protest in Sofia under the slogan  ‘No Nazis on Our Streets, No to Fortress Europe” on 17th February against the annual fascist demo commemorating Hristo Lukov: a World War 2 politician, minister of war, and a supporter of Nazi Germany. Lukov was a leader of of the ultra-nationalistic organization Union of the National Bulgarian

Calais border, news after the May-Macron summit

This text was contributed to Freedom News by a long-standing No Borders activist. She has been working in Calais for over 8 years. She first got involved with the No Borders camp in Calais in 2009. Thursday 25th January was a dark day for Calais. A 16 years old Eritrean teenager was very seriously injured: