Freedom News

Football and Activism in Jerusalem

Football and Activism in Jerusalem

This text was contributed by a fan of Hapoel Katamon: Israel’s first fan owned football club located in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Jerusalem. The club is known for their supporters’ activism and community projects. Where I grew up in Jerusalem I was faced with very little choices, either you are a fan of

Ten Top Radical Grassroots Football Clubs

Ten Top Radical Grassroots Football Clubs

Most football clubs start as grassroots clubs. Man City and Celtic were founded by churches. Man Utd and Arsenal were works team. Across the UK, and the World, almost all football clubs are grassroots clubs, run for the love of football, scraping money together, knowing they and or their players will never hit the big

Women in football

Women in football

Women have always been systematically discriminated against by the football authorities, for simply wanting to play football. The English FA, a bastion of bourgeois conservatism, banned women playing on any ground affiliated to the FA in 1921, voting that “the game of football [is] quite unsuitable for females” a ban that lasted till 1971. Women’s