The admins suspect the account was deleted as a result of a flooding of reports by fascists —It has been over a week since the Telegram application has deleted the public channel @nobordercalais (“No Border infos – Calais & more”) without any warning. The admins only realised at the end of August that the channel
Tag: No Borders
Pushbacks and dehumanisation from Poland: Two reports
Are You Syrious? A man from Syria, treated for a dislocated leg, was pushed back from hospital to the forest at night. The man was taken by ambulance on the afternoon of 1st October and treated at Heinowski hospital. The volunteer who represented both the Egala Association and Grupa Granica went to the hospital to
News from the borders: Calais and Dunkirk
Since the highly publicised “clearance” of encampment The Jungle in Calais three years ago migrant struggles in the area have been largely ignored other than a minor panic over refugee dinghies in the Channel – but that doesn’t mean the situation is resolved, writes Chiara Lauvergnac. The Calais Jungle is not “finished”. There are still
France: ZAD Transnational Summer Camp ends
More than 500 activists from across Europe, northern and western Africa took part in the Transnational Summer Camp held between 9th and 14th July at ZAD site located near Nantes in France. The camp’s callout stated: “Over the last years, the flight routes to Europe have shiften from the Balkans to the Central Med, to
Iceland: police use teargas against refugee rights protest
The police in Iceland have used teargas and reacted rather violently on Monday when asylum seekers protested wanting to draw attention to the inhumane conditions they live in, Refugees in Iceland have reported. Yesterday’s protest was the fourth in the recent weeks. In the invitation to the gathering, the No Borders Iceland stated: “In the
One world, one humanity
Increasingly, we are trapped by militarised borders. Since the ’80s and ’90s, border controls have become more and more brutal, inhumane and all-pervasive. The answer of the capitalist-imperialist States to augmented migration has been to make it impossible for most to travel legally, build detention centres for immigrants and to carry out more deportations. In
Calais border update
Chiara Lauvergnac reports on the recent events on the Calais border. Mawda, two years old, shot dead by border police in Belgium Mawda Shawri was killed by a bullet that hit her in the face, probably aimed at the driver of a van carrying 30 migrants (mostrly Iraqi Kurds) that had been chased by four
On Windrush generation and other immigrants: No Borders perspective
Public outrage and solidarity to the Windrush generation forced Amber Rudd and Theresa May to apologize. Yet these people’s fate is still unknown. The Movement for Justice have just made public that a woman detained in Yarls Wood will be deported. “Yvonne Williams- write the MFJ- has been given removal directions on Friday. The paper
Turin: Chronicle of a day of action
Every year, on June 2nd, the Italian State celebrates its own existence with Festa della Repubblica‘s military parades and ceremonies. Men and machines parade with mechanical precision, the mechanical precision of modern warfare, all airily decreed “humanitarian,” all fighting for solemn written declarations about universal rights. Every June 2nd anti-militarists bring you the means to counter the
When your neighbour is your jailer
In 2012 Theresa May announced the creation of the “hostile environment” for “illegal migrants.” This new policy framework has extended the powers of the Home Office to everyday life. Whilst immigration power has traditionally always been exercised at external borders, the multiplication of internal checkpoints has reached hospitals, jobs, homes, banks and any other service,