Freedom News

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Oppression Just as last month’s Notes was being prepared for publication, Secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta finally resigned following the scandal surrounding his support for financier and alleged trafficker in girl

Climate is class war — what next for green activism?

An alliance of non-hierarchical groups formed over the last few months, the Green Anticapitalist Front is attempting to provide a link between the extensive anarchist experience of green direct action and the latest wave of climate change activism. Below, the group outlines its background and ideas for future activity. The ideas behind the Green Anticapitalist

News from the borders: Calais and Dunkirk

Since the highly publicised “clearance” of encampment The Jungle in Calais three years ago migrant struggles in the area have been largely ignored other than a minor panic over refugee dinghies in the Channel – but that doesn’t mean the situation is resolved, writes Chiara Lauvergnac. The Calais Jungle is not “finished”. There are still

Yarl’s Wood: the vulnerable women locked up in Britain’s detention centres

According to recent findings from Women for Refugee Women, around 2,000 women who are seeking refuge in the UK are detained per year. Of these women, the vast majority (between 77% and 85%) are victims of sexual, domestic and gender-based violence. These women are most commonly held in Bedfordshire’s Yarl’s Wood, widely regarded as Britain’s

Morrissey isn’t senile, he’s always been a racist

CW: racism “Bengali in Platforms”, “England for the English”, “Asian Rut”, and “This is Not Your Country” are quotes you’d expect from the mouth of Boris Johnson; but they are song titles by the king of alternative playlists, the heart of British indie, or the “second-greatest living British cultural icon” (according to the BBC in

Statement to announce London Bookfair 2020

We’re excited to announce that an Anarchist bookfair will be returning to London in October 2020. This event is being organised by a new collective of individuals from across London and the UK. The composition of the organising collectives behind the various Anarchist bookfairs in London has changed many times over the years and we

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Environment With the proviso that anarchists can’t really get too excited about legislatures and lawmaking by the élite, support your chin before reading about goings on in Oregon late in June