Freedom News

70 years ago: Imperial greed on Africa’s west coast

70 years ago: Imperial greed on Africa’s west coast

Amid the horrors of the Mau Mau uprising Britain’s malignant role in 1950s West and Southern Africa is less well covered, but it wasn’t entirely ignored by progressives, as today’s featured article from Freedom‘s January 5th issue of 1952 shows. A number of countries on Africa’s coast were at the time partly administered by the

Freedom and Empire, 1948

Freedom and Empire, 1948

In his second article looking at recent editions to the Freedom digital archive, historian Jack Saundrs considers the anarchists’ take on Britain’s declining imperial holdings as another vicious conflict broke out just a few years on from World War II — the Malayan Emergency. In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the governors of

Critical Review: Solanas and Getino – Towards a Third Cinema

Critical Review: Solanas and Getino – Towards a Third Cinema

A libertarian look at the classic 1969 communist, anti-imperialist manifesto of Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino (also shown in their film The Hour of the Furnaces) considering the necessity of using film and culture to promote revolutionary practice while denouncing Western influence over “ex” colonies. The movement their text was contributing to, known as Third

Mugabe: The Old Man and the Coup

Mugabe: The Old Man and the Coup

Shawn Hattingh looks at the fall of Robert Mugabe from power in Zimbabwe, arguing this will not bring liberation as it doesn’t confront an entrenched ruling state, capital and imperial elite. This article was first written for South African anarchist organisation Zabalaza. Robert Mugabe, the longstanding authoritarian ruler that has waged a war against Zimbabwe’s