Freedom News

Palestine Action scale up, occupy and dismantle Thales weapons factory in Glasgow

In the early hours of this morning, four Palestine Action activists began an occupation of arms company Thales’ factory in South Glasgow. The activists scaled the roof factory’s at dawn and began causing severe damage to site facilities, forcing workers to evacuate the building. Their occupation is ongoing, rendering Thales’ conveyor belt of weapons inoperable.

BREAKING: ‘No more racist deportations’: Stop Deportations protesters block first Rwanda deportation

Protesters blocked immigration detention centres and a coach transporting five asylum seekers for deportation to Rwanda. Stop Deportations protesters have taken direct action to resist the first deportation flight, which is believed to be flying from London Stansted airport to Kigali, Rwanda this evening after 10.30pm BST. Protestors locked themselves together with metal pipes and

An anti-fascist message from the shadows of Central and Eastern Europe

In this long read Czech Antifa explain their perspective on the Ukrainian conflict, critique primarily Western logics surrounding much of the debate which has emerged, and address what they see as forms of colonial hangover which have hamstrung responses to Russian imperialism. Russian imperialism brings fascism and genocide, disguised in the language of anti-fascism, to

France: Campaign against new migrant detention centres ramps up

Despite noises about welcoming refugees from Ukraine in recent months, France is joining Britain in expanding the prisons-for-migrants system as part of its own ongoing “hostile environment” efforts. The Macron government is planning to open a number of new Administrative Retention Centers (CRAs) including a 64-place facility in Mesnil-Amelot, just outside Charles de Gaulle Airport,

Interview with a Finnish anarchist

Yavor Tarinski of Greek libertarian journal Aftoleksi interviews Antti Rautiainen, from Finnish antiauthoritarian group A-ryhmä, on the latest developments in Finland as it applies for Nato membership. YT: Hello, can you introduce yourself (where are you from, where you participate)? AR: I live in Helsinki, Finland, and participate in local anarchist group A-ryhmä, which was

‘In absence there is greater presence’

Farrah Akbik reflects on the aftermath of the shooting of journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh by Israeli soldiers and the incredible disrespect which has been shown. I was on the bus on my way to work … Al Jazeera echoing in my ear. I picked up the Metro newspaper and turned page after page after page,

Boris Johnson: the King Midas who turns everything to shite

No sooner than Boris Johnson tried to look statesmanlike, it all fell apart. Some prime ministers get to retreat from national issues by bursting onto the world stage. He wanted to be world king as a child. It turns out he’s King Midas but instead of turning everything to gold, he turns everything he touches

All tories are oligarchs: Autonomous Winter Shelter celebrates new season of anarchy

The Autonomous Winter Shelter in North London is celebrating more than 3 months of self-organised direct action that has facilitated the continued safe housing of dozens of houseless people, the service of 100s of hot meals, and the distribution of clothing, medicine and hygiene products. It was seized in response to the failure of state and 3rd-sector lackeys that feed and sustain the misery of those who are reduced to the status of refugees in their own country.