Freedom News

Fuck leftist westplaining

Earlier this week, the Polish parliamentary progressive left party, Razem, issued a statement in which they announce that they are cutting ties with two European organisations: Progressive International and DiEM25. “The Russian aggression in Ukraine demands a lot of work from us and- unfortunately- explaining of many issues to the west European left,” Razem states

The world has changed. British politics in a new context

The world has changed. That’s what the rulers of the world tell us. I’m afraid that means it has. The issues of British politics suddenly pale. They are less significant but they are also impacted by the events playing out in Ukraine. We are all immediately shocked, despite the warnings for years and we are

A roundup of radical activism in Britain in 2021

2021 has been a big year for protest, occupations and direct action. As we move into the new year and continue organising and strategising, I think it’s helpful to look back at what we’ve been up to. I hope this really brief overview will be a useful resource for activists in the Britain, as well

Notes from the US: a Winter solstice tale

A Year’s End Yarn Once upon a time in a country far far away called the Untied States of Amnesia (with due acknowledgement to Gore Vidal) there arose a puzzling and preposterous political party which took the name, ‘Thump for White Exceptionalism and Racial Purity’ – ‘TWERP’ for short. Officially, the TWERPs described themselves as

Solidarity vigils as deaths in the Channel turn the focus on the UK’s border policy

The deaths of twenty seven people in the Channel this week have provoked grief and rage amongst migrants and migrant solidarity activists across the UK and Europe. There were vigils in Folkestone, Hastings and Brighton. Hundreds turned out at the Home Office in London, with more planned in the coming days. Migrants in Calais staged