The ruse of international law has no means of ending the killing—Western states are supporting Israel to reassert their colonial agency From Interregnum Whatever the contentions on the term we use to express the scale and method of killing we are witnessing in Gaza, the description at the International Court of Justice as a ‘live-streamed
Tag: Israel
Rare South African unity in support of genocide charge against Israel
We know oppression, and we are always on the side of all oppressed people everywhere.
The Cave
A journey to the disputed Holy Land.
Culture of Solidarity
Culture of Solidarity is a fast growing mutual aid group based in Tel Aviv-Jaffa in Israel-Palestine.
Israeli mass protests: A centrist movement with a silver lining
Mass protests in Israel against the government’s slew of laws intended to weaken the judiciary have come to a head in the last 48 hours. Sunday night saw a spontaneous blockade of a major traffic artery in Tel Aviv, and today a demonstration is taking place in front of Parliament. After weeks on the fence,
Palestine Action political prisoners released from prison after one month
Nine activists from Palestine Action pleaded not guilty to charges of criminal damage and burglary, at Bristol Crown Court on 15th June 2022. Their charges follow a direct action taken at the Bristol Headquarters of Israel’s largest arms company, to commemorate Nakba Day on 15th May 2022. Two activists, Ronnie Barkan and Stavit Sinai, who
‘In absence there is greater presence’
Farrah Akbik reflects on the aftermath of the shooting of journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh by Israeli soldiers and the incredible disrespect which has been shown. I was on the bus on my way to work … Al Jazeera echoing in my ear. I picked up the Metro newspaper and turned page after page after page,
Palestine Action: A watershed victory
In The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845), Friederich Engels describes the good folk of Manchester and those unfortunate souls that toiled in the ‘dark, satanic’ mills (as described by William Blake) of the surrounding area. In the 19th century, these mills processed raw materials into textiles from countries whose resources had been
A Gun Without a Culture? An interview with Nabil Al-Raee
In the crypt of a church built into the face of a cliff, I wait to meet the action director of the Palestinian Freedom Theatre, Nabil Al-Raee. The theatre group was touring across the UK, so I decided to take the train to Hastings and meet the director during the production of The Siege. In
Activists face trial following two-day action at Kent-based arms factory
Seven anti-militarist activists are due to attend Folkestone Magistrates Court tomorrow to enter their pleas in an aggravated trespass case relating to an action at Elbit-Instro arms factory. The alleged offence carries a maximum sentence of three months in prison. A number of the activists are locally connected to Kent. The activists were arrested last