Freedom News

Choose Truth: former Choose Love employees speak out

In December 2021, Choose Love cut funding to charities offering vital support to refugees and migrants in Calais and Dunkirk. Despite high-profile celebrity endorsements and an incredible capacity to raise millions for refugees, behind the scenes, all was not as it seemed at Choose Love. A Corporate Watch investigation revealed Choose Love’s relationship with an

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Racism In November’s midterm elections, racist bigot Greg Abbott was re-elected governor of Texas. He won almost 55% of the votes. In other words, nearly four and a half million people thought

Charity workers in Birmingham join December’s Calendar of Chaos

Workers at the Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team (ASIRT) charity in Birmingham have announced they will take strike action on 21 December in response to a range of issues with the management of the charity and a refusal to recognise their trade union of choice. The striking workers, members of the United Voices of

‘Solidarity Collectives’ fight Russian imperialism

“Solidarity Collectives” (former “Operation Solidarity”) is an anti-authoritarian volunteer network formed before the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine to help comrades on the front line and civilians affected by the war. “Collectives” isn’t merely a name but the essence of our initiative which was joined by various organizations and groups from Ukraine, Germany, Poland, France,

The Cowardice of European Pacifism

The following text was first published by the Belarusian anarchist collective Pramen. Eight months have passed since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops. Tens of thousands of people have been killed, many towns and villages are in ruins, and the torture of the Kremlin regime in the occupied territories continues

Road to Rojava

In 2019 a crew of experienced documentary makers travelled to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), commonly known as Rojava. The cameras followed Janet Biehl as she got to grips with the role that her late partner Murray Bookchin’s ideas played in the region’s Kurdish-led revolutionary movement. That documentary, called Road to

Hospitals in Burgas are ‘full’ of unidentified bodies

Bulgaria: Chief prosecutor Ivan Geshev says of the state of migration in Bulgaria that: “Hospitals in Burgas are full of unidentified dead persons that hunters find in the forest. They cannot be released because their identities cannot be established.” The district’s only forensic doctor, Dr. Galina Mileva, has commented upon this horrifying reality: “There is

“Leftists” outside Ukraine are used to listening only to people from Moscow: Interview with anarcho-syndicalists in Eastern Ukraine

Yavor Tarinski from the Greek libertarian journal Aftoleksi interviews two anarchists from eastern Ukraine. They themselves were politically active for decades in eastern Ukraine until before the 2014 invasion – where the possibility of any unmediated political action collapsed. They are both what many people tend to simplistically call “Russian-speaking” citizens of Ukraine. This interview

Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2022

Below, Freedom reproduce invitation to join International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners, which is organized every year between 23-30 August. Information about the Week of Solidarity can be found on the website, on Twitter, Facebook or by writing to an e-mail: tillallarefree(at) The fact that capitalism does not focus on our needs but on