Freedom News

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. As participants in COP26 gather in a couple of weeks, one would have hoped (though hardly expected) that representatives from one of the world’s leading climate destroyers, the United States, were

Murder by negligence on EU border

Last month, Freedom reported on the plight of 32 people from Afghanistan seeking asylum in the EU imprisoned on the Polish-Belarus border and left there without food, shelter or medical assistance for weeks. These people are the victims of a diplomatic spat between the dictatorial regime of Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko and the EU. The Belarusian government

Who counts?

In a political moment when death tolls from COVID-19 are fading into media background noise as ‘freedom’ has been restored, who counts? Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s famous condemnation of government as a very idea – customarily excerpted in introductions to anarchism far and wide – contains a reflection on counting, and who gets to do it. “To

Ukrainian special services assist Lukashenka’s regime to repress Belarusian anarchists

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs responded to the request from the Belarusian security officials sent through Interpol and are attempting to deport two Belarusian anarchists: Alexei Bolenkov (known as Max Belorus) and Artur Kondratovich, to their home country. Alexei Bolenkov came to Ukraine in 2013 to participate in

In Praise of Cash

Stupidly I forgot my wallet and only realised when I went to pay for my coffee. I flashed a bundle of notes (three, count them, three, fivers) like some sort of king but the barista shook his head, “sorry, card only”. I told him I’d left it at home and tried again but he just