Freedom News

Bristol Kill the Bill statistical update

Bristol Kill the Bill statistical update

As of 11th November 2022 this is what has happened from the Bristol Demo of 21st March 2021. Avon and Somerset Police alleged over 500 people were engaged in disorder and have identified at least 191 suspects. 83 people have been arrested and 3 interviewed under caution, 47 people have been charged including 42 with

Increased numbers march for the United Friends and Family Campaign

Increased numbers march for the United Friends and Family Campaign

This Saturday 28th, thousands of people met in Trafalgar Square at noon to march to Downing St for the United Friends and Family Campaign (UFFC) against deaths in police, prison, and psychiatric custody.  At Downing St, friends and family gave moving speeches about their loved ones who had died at the hand of the state.

24 people dead off the coast of Morocco

24 people dead off the coast of Morocco

Search and rescue (SAR) failures off Morocco result in the deaths of more than 20 people On October 13th Alarm Phone alerted the Spanish coastguard to a boat in distress and adrift, carrying 56 people. The Spanish Salvamento confirmed that the Moroccan coastguard was conducting the operation, yet only thirty people were rescued the following

Hunger strike of Ihar Alinevich: What is known now

Hunger strike of Ihar Alinevich: What is known now

Ihar Alinevich , an anarcho-partisan sentenced to 20 years for participating in the Belarusian uprising, went on hunger strike. Members of the Anarchist Black Cross collected the latest information about Igor from the Facebook of his mother Valentina Alinevich and from his close friends. Here’s what we were able to find out. On October 5,

Special from Greece: Protests on Samos CCAC shed light on procedural violations

Special from Greece: Protests on Samos CCAC shed light on procedural violations

AYS: On Monday 5th September, asylum seekers in the EU-funded Closed Control Access Centre (CCAC) on Samos held a protest against their treatment by the Greek authorities. Holding a banner that reads “Samos Camp — There is no Human Rights #saynorejections” the group demanded their human rights be respected, which includes having their claims for

Reports of Iranian state using ambulances to transport security forces and arrest protestors

Reports of Iranian state using ambulances to transport security forces and arrest protestors

After the killing of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian ‘morality police’, over 80 cities have been in revolt and the state has killed at least 54 people. There is video evidence of ambulances being used by the Iranian government to transport security forces: This video shows protestors pulling a security agent out of an ambulance: