Freedom News

What we know about the Paris shooting and its significance to Kurds

What we know about the Paris shooting and its significance to Kurds

On the 23rd December 2022 a man named William Mallet opened fire on the street outside the Kurdistan Democratic Centre of Paris, which also houses the Kurdish Democratic Council of France. The attack killed three Kurdish comrades; Emine Kara, Şirin Aydin and Abdurrahman Kizil, a fourth person was also seriously injured. The attack hit international

France: Defending the workers’ gardens against an Olympic parasite

France: Defending the workers’ gardens against an Olympic parasite

With massive building works for the 2024 Olympics being implemented, Parisians are organising against the systemic use of this “symbol of global unity” to bulldoze and remake communities for the benefit of elite interests. Seven hectares of allotments around the edge of Fort d’Aubervilliers, in the Parisian suburbs, known collectively as the Vertus workers’ gardens,

France: March against police killings unites the left

France: March against police killings unites the left

Over a hundred organisations from around the world, including a number of anarchist groups and British organisations, are backing the callout for a massive march in Paris to take place on March 19th against police brutality. Led by the families of people who have died at the hands of police and following on from weeks of

Tribute to the victims of feminicide

On Thursday and Friday night (Nov 24th-25th) the Insomnia collective conducted a series of actions across Paris, France to highlight patriarchal murders. Male violence is the leading cause of death for women aged 16 to 44 worldwide. Acts of violence against women are very diverse in nature, ranging from verbal harassment and other forms of psychological