Freedom News
A young sub-Saharan woman killed by Moroccan police

A young sub-Saharan woman killed by Moroccan police

Below, Freedom reproduce an feature from Are You Syrious?

Sub-Saharan woman killed after Moroccan authorities opened fire on a group of 35 people on their way to the Canary Islands

On 12nd September a woman was killed and three young Moroccans are in a very serious condition after being shot. Other two were run over a car while trying to flee. According to the testimonies, the Moroccan authorities opened fire on the group (35 people, with 15 women and two children) in Akhfennir beach. Akhfennir is located in the south of Morocco off the coast of the Canary Islands, close to Western Sahara. The group was trying to board a boat leading to Spain, due to the absence of a legal path to reach Europe.

In addition to the Moroccan government, the Spanish government is held responsible, and with it the whole of Europe. Europe’s externalisation policies lead to the financing of this violence, a structural violence in border regimes. In fact is thus stated on the Manifesto that condemns the genocide on the southern border of Morocco:

“We do not accept that with our taxes, the Spanish government pays the Moroccan government to perpetrate the phobic black necro-politics that justify this constant bloodshed”

Among the demands and denunciations contained in the manifesto, clarity is also demanded regarding the events of 24 June (here our 24/06 digest), in which numerous people were killed. There is in fact a thread of continuity linking these murders, the result of border policy. It is claimed:

“These facts show that, after the massacre in Melilla on 24th June, the use of violence by the Moroccan police is accepted and protected by the functions conferred on them by the European and Spanish states”

Read the manifesto; it can be signed by individuals and associations.

This is a re-post from Are You Syrious?


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