Freedom News

Save ASIRT: Asylum seeker legal support charity threatened with closure

Save ASIRT: Asylum seeker legal support charity threatened with closure

A charity who provides free legal advice to asylum seekers in Birmingham and the West Midlands is closing down, despite being financially healthy. Trustees of the charity have rejected attempts by the workers’ union, United Voices of the World (UVW)  to negotiate with them, after the workers’ asked for union recognition and an end to

Special from Greece: Protests on Samos CCAC shed light on procedural violations

Special from Greece: Protests on Samos CCAC shed light on procedural violations

AYS: On Monday 5th September, asylum seekers in the EU-funded Closed Control Access Centre (CCAC) on Samos held a protest against their treatment by the Greek authorities. Holding a banner that reads “Samos Camp — There is no Human Rights #saynorejections” the group demanded their human rights be respected, which includes having their claims for

Glasgow: Mears Group Evades Responsibility as Asylum-Seekers in Hotels Refuse Food and Call for Protest Action

Glasgow: Mears Group Evades Responsibility as Asylum-Seekers in Hotels Refuse Food and Call for Protest Action

Over twenty asylum-seeking individuals forcibly moved by the Mears group into cramped hotel accommodation in Glasgow have been refusing to eat the mouldy, undercooked and culturally inappropriate food that Mears provides and are calling for action to protest the Mears group’s abysmal, dehumanising treatment of people they receive public money to provide safe accommodation for.