Freedom News

Air Partner: the Home Office’s little-known deportation fixer

Air Partner: the Home Office’s little-known deportation fixer

Freedom reproduce an investigation from Corporate Watch: Air Partner and Carlson Wagonlit are the grease spinning the wheels of the UK deportation machine, organising logistics for mass-deportation flights for years. International travel megacorp Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) holds a £5.7 million, seven-year contract with the Home Office for the “provision of travel services for immigration

Limbo at Sea — Safe ports in Italy and Malta being refused to NGO rescue ships

Limbo at Sea — Safe ports in Italy and Malta being refused to NGO rescue ships

Days after first requesting a POS (Port of Safety), with 11 requests now made, Malta and Italy have still not given a positive response to Humanity 1’s request to land. A seven-month-old-baby and 100 unaccompanied minors are amongst those on board. The medical conditions of those on board are serious. One individual was airlifted on

Yarl’s Wood: the vulnerable women locked up in Britain’s detention centres

Yarl’s Wood: the vulnerable women locked up in Britain’s detention centres

According to recent findings from Women for Refugee Women, around 2,000 women who are seeking refuge in the UK are detained per year. Of these women, the vast majority (between 77% and 85%) are victims of sexual, domestic and gender-based violence. These women are most commonly held in Bedfordshire’s Yarl’s Wood, widely regarded as Britain’s

Brexit and Migrant Women: What Does the Future Hold?

Brexit and Migrant Women: What Does the Future Hold?

With Brexit still a very much undecided concept, and a second referendum, no-deal and Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement still very much on the table, it remains an uncertain time for many communities in the UK. Several mainstream media outlets have commented on the impact new immigration proposals will have upon various factions of Britain –