Freedom News

Notes from the US

Louis Further brings us his latest update from across the pond, rounding up some of the happenings you won’t have heard of in the land of the “free” Environmental damage One of the most dangerous appointments which Trump has made is that of Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Not only does

Guatemala: Q’anjob’al community win their fight against hated hydro-dam project

After eight years of struggle, communities in Huehuetenango, Guatemala are celebrating a decision by Spanish company Ecoener-Hidralia to start shutting down its Hidro Santa-Cruz damming operations on the Q’am B’alam river near Santa Cruz Barillas. The company’s announcement, made on December 29th, signals the end of a tragic legacy of political persecution and imprisonment, criminalisation

#Staygrounded at Heathrow – Reclaim the Power action at Heathrow

Hundreds of activists took part in a day of mass action on October 1st 2016 at Heathrow and its surrounds to protest against aviation expansion and to tax frequent flyers to encourage other means of transport that is more environmentally friendly. The mass day of action against airport expansion was organised by Reclaim the Power

The greening of anarchism again!

“Nothing ever burns down by itself, every fire needs a little bit of help” chumbawamba After a damning report published in the journal Science, titled Just 90 companies are to blame for most climate change, are the mainstream channels finally catching up, albeit to a small degree, with what anarchists have been saying for hundreds of years?

The struggle against climate change can only happen in reality

With an ecological crisis currently at hand, there is no time to waste to fight for a health inhabitable planet. Climate scientists are warning governments that the tipping point may have past and the climate could become more volatile in decades, not centuries. James E Hansen, a retired Nasa climate scientist and director at Columbia

COP21: the time of the counter-summit is over

With critical support, we went to the COP21 counter summit and found State repression, coercive pacifists and a lack of revolt. State of Repression The build-up to the COP21 set the tone for the entirety of the counter-summit.  Although the recent mobilisations against global summits have been met with ever increasing repression, the increased powers

Notes from the USA: September 2015

Spying Documents continue to emerge from Edward Snowden, the former employee of the National Security Agency (NSA). Significant data was published in mid-August which detailed how telecommunications giant AT&T willingly gave the Agency access to literally billions of emails transmitted across the former’s domestic networks – conceivably every one. These included the headquarters of the