Freedom News

Lessons of the Covid mutual aid projects

Lessons of the Covid mutual aid projects

In the early days of the pandemic, Freedom put out a call to found mutual aid groups for helping people struggling under lockdown, which went spectacularly viral. Anna K, one of the original organisers of the phenomenon, reflects on lessons learned. Back in April 2020, I offered five thoughts on the successes and failures of

Death of a royal exposes weaknesses in the British establishment

Death of a royal exposes weaknesses in the British establishment

I don’t think anyone really knows what Britain is anymore, not least the people in charge of steering the country. The death of Philip Mountbatten last week highlighted its odd nature. Suddenly, the feudal backbone was exposed, with the BBC notably behaving like a state broadcaster in some absolute regime. The political parties ceased campaigning

Towards a timeline of anarchism in Britain

Towards a timeline of anarchism in Britain

In his 1978 book Slow Burning Fuse, which Freedom republished in 2014 and will be reprinting at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair with full index, historian John Quail put together a unique timeline covering the period 1880-1930, picking out some of the key moments in the history of the British anarchist movement. A similar timeline

As Yemen starves, Britain is arming Saudi bombing runs

As Yemen starves, Britain is arming Saudi bombing runs

Campaigners are challenging British complicity in the Yemen carnage, writes Campaign Against Arms Trade spokesperson Andrew Smith. March 26th marked two years since the Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen began. Since then, 10,000 people have been killed and millions have been left without access to vital infrastructure, clean water or electricity. An estimated 17 million people are

British Hospitality

British Hospitality

Joseph walked up to the front door of Number Seven with some foreboding. He’d had a hard trip, having been chased down the road by thugs and mugged by the taxi service. He knew he looked a bit bedraggled, as someone who’d run out of money and been forced to walk a long way in driving rain