Freedom News

The direction of radical movements – on Nuit Debout and the potential for radical change

The direction of radical movements – on Nuit Debout and the potential for radical change

Within radical politics, there are many opportunities for political action. There are, from all corners, suggestions on how to get involved, what to do, and where to go. These outlooks tend to be rooted in historical circumstances. It seems that today the converse is happening: we are forgetting that our actions today will make history,

COP21: the time of the counter-summit is over

With critical support, we went to the COP21 counter summit and found State repression, coercive pacifists and a lack of revolt. State of Repression The build-up to the COP21 set the tone for the entirety of the counter-summit.  Although the recent mobilisations against global summits have been met with ever increasing repression, the increased powers