Freedom News

Sodexo offices occupied following infant death in HMP Bronzefield

Sodexo offices occupied following infant death in HMP Bronzefield

This morning members of Community Action on Prison Expansion occupied the London office of Sodexo, the company which runs HMP Bronzefield, where a new-born baby tragically died after their mother was left to give birth alone in her cell on 27th September. Whilst the government has announced it will conduct investigations into the violent neglect

#Staygrounded at Heathrow – Reclaim the Power action at Heathrow

Hundreds of activists took part in a day of mass action on October 1st 2016 at Heathrow and its surrounds to protest against aviation expansion and to tax frequent flyers to encourage other means of transport that is more environmentally friendly. The mass day of action against airport expansion was organised by Reclaim the Power

Yesterday NFA Anti-Fascists confronted racist band Zona A at their gig at The Dome in Tufnell Park.

Yesterday NFA Anti-Fascists confronted racist band Zona A at their gig at The Dome in Tufnell Park.

Congratulations to No Fixed Abode Antifascists for a successful first action. This report was originally posted on their new blog. Planning to catch the band upon arrival, NFAAF members scouted the building, later breaking backstage and confronting front-man Koňýk – famous for such song-titles as ‘Cigánsky Problém’ (‘Gypsy Problem’) – as he prepared to play.