Freedom News

Review: Imperial Mud

Review: Imperial Mud

ISBN: 978-1-78578-715-7by James Boyce248pp£9.99 Broadly we experience the Fens, today, as a handful of historic names and reserves under the curation of outfits like the National Trust. The region is for the most part tame, densely packed with some of England’s most productive agriculture. It’s a stark contrast to the area’s historic reputation as dangerous,

Rebuilding the organs of solidarity

Rebuilding the organs of solidarity

Yet again capitalism lurches from crisis to crisis, with the spectre of recession appearing in the consciousness of the media and the State. Inflation is in double figures, and the Bank of England raised interest rates. The constantly rising price of energy and the long, slow, drawn out impact of the barely-planned hard Brexit demanded

Theme park and living laboratory: Lisbon and Porto’s territorial nightmares

Theme park and living laboratory: Lisbon and Porto’s territorial nightmares

Avalanche examines changes wrought on Portugal’s twin capitals by elites’ accelerated and brutal reconstruction of their geographies — and how communities can survive and resist amid the rubble. For some years now the issue of gentrification has been at the core of different actions and struggles with the involvement of anarchists around Europe. These changes

France: Fighting under the state of emergency

France: Fighting under the state of emergency

There have been a range of conversations in recent months regarding the situation in France — for example the consequences of jihadist attacks, in particular in repressive terms, as France certainly is one of the antiterrorist and security laboratories of Europe. But discussions also and foremost turned to the climate of social upheaval, marked by opposition

Hamburg G20: Stop them crawling back to the city

Hamburg G20: Stop them crawling back to the city

There is more than one way to resist the industrial capitalist system. One is to stay put where you are and ferociously defend its onslaught. Another way, which can of course be combined with local resistance, is to take the fight to the system itself and to come together to attack the symbols of its

Holding Space: Eviction Resistance at the squatted Hope and Anchor

Holding Space: Eviction Resistance at the squatted Hope and Anchor

Squatters in Mornington Crescent successfully resisted a second eviction attempt on Wednesday. In another show of strength and solidarity by London squatters, thirty to forty people turned out against the bailiffs. Banners were dropped opposing the Housing Bill and evictions ‘from London to Calais’ after the recent squat eviction in the French city. Security contractors