Freedom News

Support Russian anti-war prisoners

The Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow, established in 2003, has supported Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners continuously for almost 20 years. After Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, the anti-war movement spread to every corner of Russia with demonstrations and direct actions. During the first 3 months of war, more than 16 000 people were

Terrorism charge brought against supporter of Kurdish liberation

On 27 October 2022, I received a letter informing me I am being charged under Section 13 (1) and. (3) of the Terrorism Act 2000. The crime was that: ‘On 23rd April 2022, in a public place, namely Whitehall London displayed an article, namely a flag, in such a way or in such circumstances as

Bristol Kill the Bill statistical update

As of 11th November 2022 this is what has happened from the Bristol Demo of 21st March 2021. Avon and Somerset Police alleged over 500 people were engaged in disorder and have identified at least 191 suspects. 83 people have been arrested and 3 interviewed under caution, 47 people have been charged including 42 with

Save ASIRT: Asylum seeker legal support charity threatened with closure

A charity who provides free legal advice to asylum seekers in Birmingham and the West Midlands is closing down, despite being financially healthy. Trustees of the charity have rejected attempts by the workers’ union, United Voices of the World (UVW)  to negotiate with them, after the workers’ asked for union recognition and an end to

Road to Rojava

In 2019 a crew of experienced documentary makers travelled to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), commonly known as Rojava. The cameras followed Janet Biehl as she got to grips with the role that her late partner Murray Bookchin’s ideas played in the region’s Kurdish-led revolutionary movement. That documentary, called Road to

Report: Medical Self-Defence Network work in Ukraine

CONTENT WARNING: Highly graphic images of war injuries Freedom republish Medical Self-Defence Network‘s (MSDN) report: Since March this year, I came to work as a frontline medical volunteer in Ukraine, because we as MSDN see it as very important from perspective of critical solidarity, to be able to put in practice alternative medical structures, and

Increased numbers march for the United Friends and Family Campaign

This Saturday 28th, thousands of people met in Trafalgar Square at noon to march to Downing St for the United Friends and Family Campaign (UFFC) against deaths in police, prison, and psychiatric custody.  At Downing St, friends and family gave moving speeches about their loved ones who had died at the hand of the state.