The Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow, established in 2003, has supported Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners continuously for almost 20 years.
After Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, the anti-war movement spread to every corner of Russia with demonstrations and direct actions. During the first 3 months of war, more than 16 000 people were detained in the daily demonstrations. Many got short immediate prison sentences without due process, as well as fines, while also several felony cases were opened. Up to 700 000 have been estimated to have fled the country. As demonstrating has become increasingly difficult, more have begun relying on direct action, such as arson attacks against military call-up centers and sabotage against railways.
Outrage at forced removal of children from Christmas market ~ Lulu Smith ~ Community advocacy groups rallied outside Parliament yesterday (2 December) against Manchester police brutality and GRT discrimination.
Kurdish autonomous struggle caught between competing interests as the entanglement of regional and local powers enters a new phase ~ Blade Runner ~ The Peoples’ Democratic Assembly convened in Rojava yesterday (2 December) to evaluate the resumption of the war in Syria, and plan for a possible attack on the Democratic Autonomous Administration.
My initial purpose was to reflect on the unavoidable, and often undervalued, negative dimension of anarchism—but I soon realised this forced me to leave aside its entire positive aspect ~ Tomás Ibáñez, Redes Libertarias ~ When I turned on my computer to begin writing this text, I was tempted to title it: “A passionate praise
A solidarity report from Masafer Yatta, in the south Hebron hills ~ Aidan Frere-Smith ~ On 1 January 2021, Haroun Abo Aram was shot outside of his family home in the village of Al-Rakeez in Masafer Yatta, in the south Hebron hills of the West Bank.
Not enough has been written about the mindset of a state which is introducing this Assisted Dying Bill at high speed, with only 5 hours for debate, in a climate whipped up to support it ~ Tabitha Troughton ~ It’s too terrible to think that our very own Prime Minister could—is it too terrible?
Outrage at forced removal of children from Christmas market ~ Lulu Smith ~ Community advocacy groups rallied outside Parliament yesterday (2 December) against Manchester police brutality and GRT discrimination.
Kurdish autonomous struggle caught between competing interests as the entanglement of regional and local powers enters a new phase ~ Blade Runner ~ The Peoples’ Democratic Assembly convened in Rojava yesterday (2 December) to evaluate the resumption of the war in Syria, and plan for a possible attack on the Democratic Autonomous Administration.
My initial purpose was to reflect on the unavoidable, and often undervalued, negative dimension of anarchism—but I soon realised this forced me to leave aside its entire positive aspect ~ Tomás Ibáñez, Redes Libertarias ~ When I turned on my computer to begin writing this text, I was tempted to title it: “A passionate praise
A solidarity report from Masafer Yatta, in the south Hebron hills ~ Aidan Frere-Smith ~ On 1 January 2021, Haroun Abo Aram was shot outside of his family home in the village of Al-Rakeez in Masafer Yatta, in the south Hebron hills of the West Bank.
Not enough has been written about the mindset of a state which is introducing this Assisted Dying Bill at high speed, with only 5 hours for debate, in a climate whipped up to support it ~ Tabitha Troughton ~ It’s too terrible to think that our very own Prime Minister could—is it too terrible?
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