Freedom News

Save ASIRT: Asylum seeker legal support charity threatened with closure

Save ASIRT: Asylum seeker legal support charity threatened with closure

A charity who provides free legal advice to asylum seekers in Birmingham and the West Midlands is closing down, despite being financially healthy. Trustees of the charity have rejected attempts by the workers’ union, United Voices of the World (UVW)  to negotiate with them, after the workers’ asked for union recognition and an end to

Listen up sanes: the intersection of policing and healthcare is nothing new

Listen up sanes: the intersection of policing and healthcare is nothing new

On March 25th the Coronavirus Act 2020 received Royal Assent and became law. The contents of this ‘emergency bill’ are wide in scope: they cover increased police powers, changes to health and social care legislation, postponement of elections, changes in burial procedure and changes in statutory sick pay, amongst other measures. The next day Health

GBC release new police station support guide

GBC release new police station support guide

Activist legal support primos, the Green and Black Cross, have published a new guide to providing police station support for those unfortunate souls who find themselves under arrest. Police station support is an often overlooked aspect of protest and direct action but is key to building a sustainable movement, as the experience of arrest is,

Want to annoy the cops? Then bung a few quid at Netpol

Want to annoy the cops? Then bung a few quid at Netpol

The Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) turned 10 this week and, instead of presents, they’re asking for cash. Carl Spender is here to tell us why we should all dig deep. For those not in-the-know: Netpol are the country’s premiere cop-watchers. Their job – which they do damned well – is to monitor what the

New court support group, Activist Court Aid Brigade, forms after closure of LDMG

New court support group, Activist Court Aid Brigade, forms after closure of LDMG

LDMG is dead, long live ACAB! The demise of the Legal Defence Monitoring Group (LDMG) – the country’s longest standing defendant support organisation – left a conspicuous hole in the activist legal support apparatus that emerged from the anti poll tax campaign, Climate Camp and the 2010 student protests. While GBC and other Netpol affiliated

Dover sentencing and anti-fascist organising

Dover sentencing and anti-fascist organising

The Dover demonstration in January was the most violent anti-fascist action in Britain for many years. 70 people have been arrested and more are being searched for. See appeals on Kent Police site for details. So far there have been 15 concluded cases. 10 people have received custodial sentences totalling 209 months. 7 People have