Freedom News

Gallery: Yarl’s Wood protests

Peter Marshall was at Yarl’s Wood this weekend and has kindly let us share his excellent photos of the day, which saw hundreds of people gathered as part of the campaign to shut the infamous migrant detention centre down. Over 400 women are detained in the facility, some of whom shouted “freedom” through the windows and can

Germany: FAU calls for May Day solidarity with migrants – we are workers all

Anarchists in Germany have called for May Day 2017 to focus on solidarity with migrants in the face of one of the fiercest reactionary backlashes of the modern era. The FAU anarcho-syndicalist union is launching the action, saying that “migrants are workers, just like us” but are especially suffering under the current political conditions in

France: March against police killings unites the left

Over a hundred organisations from around the world, including a number of anarchist groups and British organisations, are backing the callout for a massive march in Paris to take place on March 19th against police brutality. Led by the families of people who have died at the hands of police and following on from weeks of

Empty Cages announce first No More Prisons conference

The Empty Cages Collective, a solidarity group supporting prison abolitionists in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Cardiff and London, is backing a major new conference aimed at growing the movement nationally and gearing up for a campaign to fight the government as it pushes forward building new megaprisons. The first of the new giant facilities, HMP Berwyn near

Hamburg G20: Stop them crawling back to the city

There is more than one way to resist the industrial capitalist system. One is to stay put where you are and ferociously defend its onslaught. Another way, which can of course be combined with local resistance, is to take the fight to the system itself and to come together to attack the symbols of its

Slovenia: Squat crackdown hits UPI social centre

Activists at Creative Platform Inde (UPI), one of Slovenia’s most active squatter social centres, have refused to leave after being threatened by the government through its State asset management arm BAMC, which is using the excuse of asbestos safety works. In a statement, the group said: UPI welcomes the planned remediation of hazardous waste (asbestos, used