Campaigners managed to make contact with detainees in the notorious Moreton Hall immigration detention centre yesterday after one refugee scaled a 20 foot fence to talk about conditions inside. The unnamed man said: We are not criminals! We are asking for asylum here. People here need medical attention and social care”” (two people have died within six
New Whitechapel Anti-Raids group starts organising in the East End
The border regime manifests itself in our everyday lives. Home Office “Immigration Enforcement” teams – working hand-in-hand with the police and local authorities – attack us on our streets, in our homes and workplaces. Whitechapel – and Tower Hamlets more generally – is one of London’s most racially diverse areas, with large Bangladeshi and Somali
From Dover to Calais to Brussels, the border regime is in violent panic
The recent anti-migrant demonstration by the National Front and other assorted fascist backwash is among a rising tide of violence against migrants. People asserting their freedom to move across borders are met with a mix of state and fascist aggression. Around fortress Europe, borders are institutions of crisis and conflict. As the force of migration