Freedom News

The Antifascist Assembly of Piraeus

The Antifascist Assembly of Piraeus

Having struggled to find a foothold since the end of 1967-74 military junta, Greek fascism saw a turning point with the spectacular rise of Aube Dorée (Golden Dawn) during the late 2000s financial crisis. The murder of Pavlos Fyssas by a Golden Dawn (GD) assault squad in 2013 saw the organisation lose momentum and support, but it has recently been growing

As Syriza ponders an “accommodation” with Golden Dawn, anarchists fight back

As Syriza ponders an “accommodation” with Golden Dawn, anarchists fight back

In the aftermath of recent clashes in Athens, Greece, on the anniversary of the police murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos on December 8th 2008, fascist party Golden Dawn has attempted to get itself back into the news through attacking journalists. But in Patras at least they aren’t having it all their own way. On December 10th MPs and hangers-on