Freedom News

Industrial decentralisation and workers’ control

This piece by Colin Ward is the text of a paper read to the anti-war Committee of 100 seminar at Kensington Central Library on November 20th, 1961. The seminar is a pilot course for the Committee’s “Schools for Non-violence.” THE COMMITTEE OF 100, in convening this series of meetings and in linking the current protests

Eclipse Phase – The anarchist RPG

For all that “nerd culture” has become hegemonic on our screens, role play games (RPGs) have remained on the fringes of that success with Dungeons and Dragons being the only truly famous example, known for its geekiness. But today’s RPGs encompass far more, spanning everything from horror and the Old West to sci-fi. In that

1936: Eye-Witnesses to Revolutionary loyalist Spain

As Catalonia continues to simmer, Raymond S. Solomon has an overview of that great historic Catalan rebellion — the Spanish Civil War Durruti’s Vision In an interview with journalist Pierre Van Paassen, the great anarcho-syndicalist leader and Spanish loyalist general Buenaventura Durruti said: “We are giving Hitler and Mussolini far more worry with our revolution

Gabriel Kuhn on fascism, Mao and anti-imperialism

Anarchist writer and activist Gabriel Kuhn has translated and edited a number of books, most recently Antifascism, Sport, Sobriety. This interview is the second part of a longer conversation held with Freedom reviewer Luther Blissett. Part One can be found here. Luther Blissett: When looking at liberation movements and struggles for social justice, especially non-pacifist,

G20: A comrade writes from a Hamburg Prison

In the below passage, one of the people detained in Hamburg during July’s G20 Protests talks about his imprisonment, the incarceration system and other arenas where anarchists are facing State repression. It’s been almost a month-and-a-half since I was imprisoned during the 12th G20 summit in Hamburg, in a city that was besieged and taken

Hamburg mayor threatens radical sites as Berlin squat rallies against cop siege

Intense pressure is being put on German radical social centres in Hamburg and Berlin in the wake of last month’s G20 protests, with Hamburg’s mayor threatening Rote Flora and a round the clock siege of Teppichfabrik, which has prompted a solidarity rally in the capital today. The gathering, in front of the squatted centre in Berlin’s

The Antifascist Assembly of Piraeus

Having struggled to find a foothold since the end of 1967-74 military junta, Greek fascism saw a turning point with the spectacular rise of Aube Dorée (Golden Dawn) during the late 2000s financial crisis. The murder of Pavlos Fyssas by a Golden Dawn (GD) assault squad in 2013 saw the organisation lose momentum and support, but it has recently been growing

Turin: Chronicle of a day of action

Every year, on June 2nd, the Italian State celebrates its own existence with Festa della Repubblica‘s military parades and ceremonies. Men and machines parade with mechanical precision, the mechanical precision of modern warfare, all airily decreed “humanitarian,” all fighting for solemn written declarations about universal rights. Every June 2nd anti-militarists bring you the means to counter the

Towards a timeline of anarchism in Britain

In his 1978 book Slow Burning Fuse, which Freedom republished in 2014 and will be reprinting at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair with full index, historian John Quail put together a unique timeline covering the period 1880-1930, picking out some of the key moments in the history of the British anarchist movement. A similar timeline