Freedom News

Manchester union picket attacked by fascists

Manchester union  picket attacked by fascists

Far-right thugs imitating the French yellow-vest movement launched a racist attack on an RMT picket yesterday, reports the Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network: Striking transport workers were attacked on their picket line at Manchester Victoria by a bunch of yellow vest fascists. The picketers, who have been campaigning over cuts to safety-important train guard roles, were attacked

Campaigners condemn far-right recruitment attempts among IPP families

Campaigners condemn far-right recruitment attempts among IPP families

Campaigners against indefinite IPP prison sentences publicly denounced efforts being made by far-right activist Tommy Robinson (pictured waving brick) to infiltrate and recruit from among the prisoners’ families of using his “media reach” as a lure today. Smash IPP said in a statement: We are sad and angry to announce that Tommy Robinson, founder of

Solidarity call for man hospitalised while protecting mum and child from EDL

Solidarity call for man hospitalised while protecting mum and child from EDL

A grassroots aid group called for solidarity donations yesterday to help a man who was hospitalised when he tried to protect a woman and her young daughter from EDL thugs. The largest EDL rally in some time rampaged through Manchester on Sunday, breaking through police lines and intimidating people in the centre of the city, including abuse

London anti-fascists in callout to block opportunist EDL and Britain First rally

London anti-fascists in callout to block opportunist EDL and Britain First rally

A ‘Block The Fascists’ counter-demo has been announced for April 1st following the decision by EDL and Britain first to hold rallies to capitalise on the recent Westminster attack. In a statement, organisers said: London Anti-fascists are calling a demonstration to support calls to oppose both Britain First and the English Defense League (EDL) who