Freedom News

Rioting and Violent Disordering

Rioting and Violent Disordering

Triple helpings of jail all-around planned for Bristol protestors. On Thursday 13th of May, eight people were charged with rioting for the “Kill The Bill” demonstration in Bristol. This is very unusual as even the most rumbustious of protests in recent times have generally had Violent Disorder as the most serious offence charged and we

The Senate invasion was a gift to the State: don’t wrap it up for them

The Senate invasion was a gift to the State: don’t wrap it up for them

In the wake of the invasion of the US Senate it’s been mildly disappointing, if not surprising, to see some lefties joining in to call it terrorism and/or sedition. It’s understandable that liberals might come up with this guff, after all they’ve always had their hypocritical streak when the public’s activities interfere with their preferences

What is happening in Chile?

What is happening in Chile?

This text was sent to Freedom by our comrades in Chile. It is a summary of the events in the country in recent days and a call for support. After the Chilean government announced that they would raise the price of the metro, last week the high school students started a massive elude of payment

G20: Thoughts on the Summit clashes

G20: Thoughts on the Summit clashes

Freedom hasn’t had the resources to cover the G20 protests hour by hour, a task which has been ably handled by Enough is Enough, It’s Going Down, Plan C, CrimethInc and Insurrection News in the English language. But as the pavement is relaid over makeshift beaches, and karchers erase the evidence of rebellion, we can perhaps take a look at what Welcome to

Brazil: A letter to anarchists in the wake of the general strike

Brazil: A letter to anarchists in the wake of the general strike

In this analysis of recent Brazilian protests, which culminated in a general strike and a riot which shook Rio, Vantiê Clínio Carvalho de Oliveira calls for anarchists to remember — this isn’t about left vs right. Falling into this false dichotomy “left” vs “right” is a big mistake, historical and current, which anarchists can commit

It’s hard to care about litter whilst the government cuts the legs out from underneath deprived communities

It’s hard to care about litter whilst the government cuts the legs out from underneath deprived communities

The #cleanforthequeen campaign is disgusting. Whilst communities across the country suffer from long term deprivation,  austerity and gentrification, the campaign – backed by Country Life and Keep Britain Tidy –  expects people to do hours of unpaid labour to honour a woman who’s leeched off the rest of us for decades. These anti-litter drives are mostly