Freedom News

Yarl’s Wood: the vulnerable women locked up in Britain’s detention centres

Yarl’s Wood: the vulnerable women locked up in Britain’s detention centres

According to recent findings from Women for Refugee Women, around 2,000 women who are seeking refuge in the UK are detained per year. Of these women, the vast majority (between 77% and 85%) are victims of sexual, domestic and gender-based violence. These women are most commonly held in Bedfordshire’s Yarl’s Wood, widely regarded as Britain’s

Unity Centre looks to surround Dungavel removal centre

Unity Centre looks to surround Dungavel removal centre

Migration rights organisers in Glasgow are looking to raise the last donations for a solidarity noise demonstration  at Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre on November 18th. The Unity Centre, a consensus-organised collective, currently has enough money to pay for three coaches to drive the 30 miles out of town to Dungavel but is looking for supprt to hire a third

Gallery: Yarl’s Wood protests

Gallery: Yarl’s Wood protests

Peter Marshall was at Yarl’s Wood this weekend and has kindly let us share his excellent photos of the day, which saw hundreds of people gathered as part of the campaign to shut the infamous migrant detention centre down. Over 400 women are detained in the facility, some of whom shouted “freedom” through the windows and can