Freedom News

British prisons are Petri dishes for this pandemic; without immediate action it’s the death penalty by any other name

Carl Cattermole This past Tory decade has left public services looking like a bicycle locked up too long in East London: valuable parts stolen, everything else rusted. And if the service still has two wheels then I guarantee it doesn’t have the suspension to cope with bumps… and… COVID-19 isn’t a bump, it’s an assault

The editor is on strike today. Here are some of the reasons why.

As I’m writing this text on Friday evening (rather than on the day of its publication in order not to break the Women’s Strike cyber picket line), millions of women, feminine and non-binary people worldwide prepare for their annual strike. On the International Women’s Day,  those of us who can, will walk out from all

Pioneers of anarchism: Varlam Cherkezishvili (Tcherkesoff)

Lesser-known of two “anarchist princes” exiled to London in the 1890s (the other being Peter Kropotkin), Cherkezishvili (Warlaam Tcherkesoff in the Russian manner) was an influence on British and wider European movements up to the beginning of the First World War. Tcherkesoff, as he was best-known during his exile from Russia, was born to Georgian

How we invaded Cuba

On Friday 12 July 1963, anarchists invaded the Cuban Embassy in London. Members of the British Communist Party, who had been faithful to the Party Line throughout the difficult war years, obediently switching from pro-war to anti-war and back, in support of Soviet foreign policy, were shocked in 1953, when Stalin died and the line

Anarchist Festival 2019

Following the success of last year’s weekend of decentralised anarchist happenings, the Anarchist Festival is back this year, this time aiming to host events scheduled across the country. The Anarchist Festival is based on the simple idea: groups put on their own programme of anarchist events, concentrating on the dates of the long weekend of