Freedom News

AF: Back the Earth Strike!

AF: Back the Earth Strike!

In the following statement, the Anarchist Federation calls to mobilise in support of Earth Strike, a global general strike call in support of the climate set for September 20th which has drawn support from hundreds of organisations. As part of our general activity, some AF members have been involved with Earth Strike UK, either autonomously

The 11th Congress of the IFA

The 11th Congress of the IFA

The end of last month saw the 11th Congress of the International of Anarchist Federations, which co-ordinates social anarchist organisations across 13 different national and language regions in three continents — we reproduce reports from the gathering below. Background to the IFA Congress The following is adapted from an article which first appeared in Italian

Edinburgh Mothers Fight the Benefits Cap!

Edinburgh Mothers Fight the Benefits Cap!

This Anarchist Federation report looks at resistance against the impact of benefits capping. The recent introduction of an upper limit on the amount of money someone can receive in benefits has been a direct attack on people up and down the country. This benefits cap limits families to a maximum £384 per week. At the same

Struggling for Our Families and Our Lives

Struggling for Our Families and Our Lives

When we’re deciding whether or not to have children, where and how to bring them up, when, and with whom, we’re influenced by social forces which are outside our control. These forces dictate who has more freedom to make these choices, according to how they want to live. For everybody to enjoy this freedom, for

Grenfell: Because they were poor

Grenfell: Because they were poor

A member of the Anarchist Federation writes on guilt and the ever-rising death count in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire. “The people who died and lost their homes – this happened to them because they are poor” ~ Akala, rapper and poet, local resident. “Regeneration is a euphemism for ethnic and class cleansing”

Homeless fight back against criminalisaton

Bristol City Council recently attempted to criminalise rough sleeping, camping, and even parking in public areas, with a sloppily-worded injunction. We at the Resistance collective visited the people at the centre of the case to find out why, and discover how the Council’s injunction had been defeated. The group that occupies a small encampment in