Freedom News

Subverting the ‘dog eat dog’ dogma

According to neoliberal ideology it is a “dog-eat-dog” world. But where and when do you see dog eating dog? Unless they are starving (due to unnatural conditions), badly socialised (a problem of conditioning) or on a leash (the perfect metaphor for the dysfunctional nature of authoritarianism), you are much more likely to see dog-sniff-dog, dog-play-with-dog

From the land comes desire

The following text comes from the newest issue of Lumpen: A Journal of Poor and Working Class Writers. Lumpen takes unsolicited submissions from people who self-identify as poor or working class. If you would like to contribute to the next issue, the details how to do so are here. If you want to support the project,

Glasgow foster carers to demonstrate outside Town Hall as IWGB reveals council spends 2.4x more on privatised foster care

Glasgow foster carers from the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) will demonstrate in George Square on Friday 11 February at 11am over Glasgow City Council’s failure to negotiate over its 10-year freeze on child allowances for children in foster care. Leader of Glasgow City Council Susan Aitken pulled out of meetings scheduled for