If trying to use the master’s tools to dismantle the master’s house didn’t work on an international level, why would it work for anarchist groups and individuals working at a community level?
Tag: Bentley Urban Farm
Gather Communards: an update on A Commune in the North
Back in May, 2022, I described how LeedsCath’s dream for A Commune in the North (ACitN) was slowly being brought to fruition by a band of dedicated communards. Part of that process has involved people beginning to live together in one place to make the process of founding a commune easier and more efficient. zDoncaster,
Subverting the ‘dog eat dog’ dogma
According to neoliberal ideology it is a “dog-eat-dog” world. But where and when do you see dog eating dog? Unless they are starving (due to unnatural conditions), badly socialised (a problem of conditioning) or on a leash (the perfect metaphor for the dysfunctional nature of authoritarianism), you are much more likely to see dog-sniff-dog, dog-play-with-dog
Anarchist farm: a revolutionary feast
Food — or the potential lack of it — has played on a lot of people’s minds lately. The government’s mixed-messages, misinformation and pointless power-play with regard to the coronavirus pandemic led to fear-induced panic-buying which highlighted the weakness of ‘just in time’ supply chains; which are, of course, designed to maximise profit rather than
Don’t despair, organise!: an introduction to Bentley Urban Farm
Bentley is a former coal-mining town just north of Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Since the pit closed in 1993, it has consistently been among the top 10% of the most impoverished areas of the UK. Life expectancy is well below the national average, with many health problems being directly linked to food and nutrition. High rates