Freedom News

How we invaded Cuba

How we invaded Cuba

On Friday 12 July 1963, anarchists invaded the Cuban Embassy in London. Members of the British Communist Party, who had been faithful to the Party Line throughout the difficult war years, obediently switching from pro-war to anti-war and back, in support of Soviet foreign policy, were shocked in 1953, when Stalin died and the line

Freedom Press cartoons on exhibition in Bradford

The Peace Museum in Bradford is currently hosting an exhibition ‘Cartoons For Peace’ including at least two Freedom Press books. The March to Death, a book of anti-war cartoons was first published by Freedom Press in defiance of war-time censorship in 1943. The drawings are by John Olday illustrating quotations chosen anonymous by Marie-Louise Berneri. The edition

Do not vote, it only encourages them

Do not vote, it only encourages them

Cartoonist and longtime Freedom contributor Donald Rooum has seen more “radical” governments than today’s offerings come and go, and has a little reminder for people who get too excited by Statist “democracy.” Do not believe the media which exhort you to vote for Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn. Only a very small minority, of about 100,000

Book Review: Donald Rooum’s Anarchist Wildcat Comics

Book Review: Donald Rooum’s Anarchist Wildcat Comics

PM Press, 2016 ISBN: 978-1-62963-127-1 PP: 128 Publisher: PM Press As it should be, Rooum’s playful illustrations dominate this volume. Anarchist Wildcat Comics has three parts. The first 40 or so pages are Rooum’s introduction and discussion of his personal history as an anarchist during the middle to late decades of 20th century Britain. Most