Freedom News

Brighton Solfed: Standing up to the landlords

The anarcho-syndicalist group rounds up its recent activities in the city, where it has been having a lot of success organising against mistreatment of tenants. Three groups of tenants organising with Brighton Solidarity Federation Housing Union over the past three months have each secured victories in their disputes. Working with our Housing Union, these tenants

A History of Freedom Press

An edited amalgamation of several different accounts, this essay only really skims the surface of the Freedom Press’s long and storied history, and a much fuller account can be found in A Beautiful Idea: History of the Freedom Press Anarchists by Rob Ray. More about its early period can be found in John Quail’s book

LCAP: A decade of direct action

Based on a “direct action casework” model of community organising pioneered in Ontario, Canada in the 1990s, the London Coalition Against Poverty was formed in 2007 to fight against the worsening squeeze on welfare provision which had been occurring under successive Labour governments. Organised on horizontal lines, it immediately made a splash with punchy actions

Anti-democratic values: Making the case for consensus

In this essay written for the June C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium, Derek Wittorff argues that the left’s focus on democracy and a falling off of interest in consensus-based approaches is short-sighted, and pushes even anarchists down paths of hierarchical control. Democracy: the universal war cry of justice. We’re told by the left — both moderate and radical —

From The Land Of Proudhon 5

Situationist International. Raoul Vaneigem In Dialogue With Gérard Berréby. Nothing Has an End, All is a Beginning.   Raoul Vaneigem (1934) is a Belgian author and radical social critic. After grammar school, at the age of seventeen he went to study literature at the Université Libre in Brussels. Once he graduated, he taught for a