Freedom News

On the possibility of a Rainbow

 ‘The Rainbow in Jordan is a microcosm of our issues in the region.’Lioness was speaking to me in a shisha café-restaurant in the upscale Amman neighbourhood of Jebel Lwebdeh. She was telling me the story of the Rainbow Gathering of Spring 2016, the first gathering of such nature to take place in Jordan. ‘Rainbows Gatherings’,

Notes from the US: The mockery of climate crisis

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Environment It’s often difficult for thoughtful and well-informed people to understand how and why spokespeople for and activists on the right seem incapable of understanding the threats posed by climate change;

Statement against repression of resistance in Greece

After being identified following the attack on the Greek Parliament building on May 21st – an action in support of Dimitris Koufontinas, a comrade imprisoned for life who is on a hunger strike – two activists must collect 60,000 euros before 14 June, otherwise they will spend 10 years in jail. Link to the financial

What do you know about the European Migrant Smuggling Centre?

 A long read from Are You Syrious on the EUROPOL project, and whom it really helps. Content warning: police violence ‘’Protecting people, especially the most vulnerable ones, has to be the top priority for all police forces on this planet” — Robert Črepinko, head of the European Migrant Smuggling Centre. “ A woman was placed in a

Anarchist Festival 2019

Following the success of last year’s weekend of decentralised anarchist happenings, the Anarchist Festival is back this year, this time aiming to host events scheduled across the country. The Anarchist Festival is based on the simple idea: groups put on their own programme of anarchist events, concentrating on the dates of the long weekend of

Orwell among the anarchists

Vernon, Richards George Orwell at Home (and Among the Anarchists): Essays and Photographs, (1998) London: Freedom Press. Photographs by Vernon Richards. Essays by Vernon Richards, Colin Ward, and Nicholas Walter. Review by Raymond S. Solomon There are few people who had the knowledge and understanding of George Orwell as did the three contributors to George

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Youth Young people’s opposition to élites’ refusal to address and denial of the potential for climate catastrophe has continued to make the news worldwide. School children and students have not been

Italy: Riace major cleared of ‘aiding and abetting illegal immigration’

The court of Reggio Calabria ruled that the mayor of Riace in Calabria region in Italy Domenico Mimmo Lucano is not guilty of scams, robberies, and ‘marriages of convenience’ for immigration purposes. The investigation against Lucano was launched in October last year, when Guardia di Finanzia- the police under Italian Ministry of Finance-removed him from