Freedom News

Germany: Antifa Blocks AfD Conference

The far right anti- immigration Alternative for Germany  (AfD) party conference was delayed for several hours on Saturday due to protests in the city of Hanover. One of the antifascist call-outs for protest stated: Driven by the grand coalition of CDU and SPD, open authoritarianism has become acceptable again in recent years. The racist negotiation

Polish Government’s War on Women

October 2016 saw the largest strike by women in Polish history. In opposition to a proposed new law banning all abortions, 100,000 women took part in demonstrations across 147 cities and towns in Poland, with 30,000 attending a demonstration in Warsaw. For many, it was the first experience of protest in their lives, and 90%

Protest takes London Mayor to task on climate promises

Mayor’s Question Time was occupied by protesters this morning, who confronted Sadiq Khan for skipping out on election pledges to found a fuel energy utility for London and divest the city pension fund from fossil fuels. Around 50 people from groups including the Greater London Pensioners’ Association, Fuel Poverty Action and Switched On interrupted the

Spycops victims rally at Home Office to demand end to coverups

Campaigners for the truth over what happened and who infiltrated swathes of perfectly legal organisations from the disgraced Special Demonstration Squad and the National Public Order Intelligence Unit said they’d had enough yesterday as the Undercover Policing Inquiry continues to stall. Speaking at the demo today, a rep for the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) said: We’re

No TAV: A war for the Susa Valley’s soul

This month the campaign against high-speed railway line TAV kicked into life once again as construction work began on a project which has been been fought against for decades across Italy, France and Switzerland. Italy’s government wants, whatever the cost, to impose the Turin-Lyon line line which critics say is useless, expensive, harmful to health and