Freedom News

France: Lyon squat evicted in 7am raid

France: Lyon squat evicted in 7am raid

After months of threats from oil supergiant TotalEnergies, the abandoned school on Jean Bouin street was cleared out by a huge police operation yesterday, sparking alarm over the use of disproportionate force. The former Georges Brassens school, which was originally occupied in early 2020 and housed up to 200 people, mostly Eastern European and Central African

Athens, Greece: police evict squatted theatre Empros

Athens, Greece: police evict squatted theatre Empros

Earlier today, the Greek police evicted one of Athens’ more famous squatted spaces: the self-managed theatre Empros.  The historic building is located in the Athens neighbourhood of Psiri: one of the oldest and centrally located quarters of Athens suffering from a terrible case of gentrification in recent years.  The theatre, built in the 1930s and declared a

Stay at Home! The Violence of Eviction

Stay at Home! The Violence of Eviction

Joe Reynolds’ words and photographs tell a squatter’s tale on the violence of eviction, using ghosts, dogs, legal battles, health problems and chaos to explain a story that cannot be whispered. Trigger Warning: This article contains numerous cases of copyright fraud that some readers may find distressing. I am currently on the run from the

Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime threatens illegal eviction against squatters protesting police violence

Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime threatens illegal eviction against squatters protesting police violence

The Mayor’s Office of Policing and Crime has threatened an illegal eviction against squatters currently occupying the former Cavendish Road police station in Clapham Common. The squatters are occupying in protest against police violence and the new police crackdown bill. The bill has been delayed from progressing to committee stage in the face of widespread

Greece: Terra Incognita evicted

Greece: Terra Incognita evicted

After a 16-year run the squatted centre just off Agora Square in the port city of Thessaloniki was cleared out in an early-morning raid. The site hosted a cafe, bookshop, gym and printing facilities, making it an important central stopping point in the city. In a statement the group noted: At around 5 am, the